There Are Far, Far Better Things Ahead Than Any We Leave Behind
Wake up, breathe deep, there are treasures we must find
In the words of C.S. Lewis, “There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind”
You are far more amazing than you’ll ever realize
Much greater than the world’s pack of lies
People won’t appreciate your hard work, work hard anyway
Sleep deep, dream well, for tomorrow quickly becomes today
You can live fully alive or you can live waiting to die
One is risky and fun, the other safe and a lie
Today move from the victim’s role to the role of creativity
Victim’s look for blame, while others risk new activity
Move from finding someone to blame to finding someone to extol
Move from finding someone to judge to finding someone to know
Try something this week out of your comfort zone
Even when the crowd runs to safety and you are all alone
Being relevant takes more risks, creates more ups and downs
It’s more difficult than popularity, which is easily found
Judging others has to do with low self-esteem and holding a grudge
My job is to offer grace to those the world has already judged
I spend my time creating my own caste arrangement
Though we are far more the same than we are distant
700 million dollars spent on Valentine’s for our pets
While children die for lack of 10 dollar mosquito nets
350 million spent on pets at Halloween
While 50 dollars gives families water that is clean
93 percent of Californians don’t go to church, lack of hope
I’m spending too much time trying to please the 7, lack of scope
God’s biggest desire is to have our presence
I talk about his goodness, too often in past tense
Grace turns quickly to rules and obligations
It turns into committees, methods and gyrations
I pack God in a box, defining him in history
I’ve lost all the awe, I’ve lost all the mystery
Faith is called faith, because we cannot see
Yet we preach less doubt leads to maturity
Angry men, large pulpits bragging what they know
Big words, cliche prayers, it’s all about the show
A deeper understanding of God takes a bigger view
Compassion grows while walking in others shoes
I pray God doesn’t dress like a politician
I pray he doesn’t gossip like a beautician
I hope He laughs at my vain attempts to be perfect
I know He cries when he sees injustices’ effect
God says he is close to the broken-hearted man
He says, when we love them, we love him
A widow’s mite is worth more than a big day on Wall Street
I waste more money in a day, than many earn in a week
I am thinking I’ve just scratched the surface of potential
I’m looking for new storms of grace, drowning in its torrential
Fear comes not from God, it comes from another kind
God give deep love, sustaining power and a sound mind
So wake up, breathe deep there are treasures we must find
Remember the words of C.S. Lewis, “There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind”