Humans, vast as the stars
Good at pretending, hiding deep scars
No fingerprint the same
Though we all wrestle with shame
Finding someone to blame
It’s our favorite game
Defining pecking orders
Determining value at invisible borders
We beckon the rich, ignoring the poor
Different color, different door
Humans, choosing value, purposely narrow
This history has lead to generational sorrow
Discrimination, fear, makes the world cower
Systems, laws, it’s all about power
But with God there is no favoritism
Bigotry is just disguised atheism
Created in one image
Ignorance leads to power diminished
Deciding who matters
Deciding who to flatter
Divide and conquer
Racism, the violent monster
Humans, profaning the covenant
Of the great command to be one
Misogyny, religions ally
It’s the reason we are missing half the sky
Born to love, taught to hate
Nurture conquers nature, wars our fate
Blessings come as we welcome the foreigner
Xenophobia curses as we protect our shores
Humans, much more the same than different
God’s melting pot leads to song’s of magnificat
Called to be one, to walk in each other’s shoes
To understand, empathize, and feel hatred’s bruise
A kaleidoscope of colors
We are stronger with others
All the same father
You're my sister, you're my brother
Humans, nothing changes without humility
Repentance removes pent up hostility
The world is our neighbor
Loving them as ourselves should be our behavior
Humans, God’s artistry, His melting pot
His painting, His cultural tapestry
Every hue, God’s wonderful creation
Heaven, every tribe, race, in the ultimate celebration
“Do we not all have one Father ? Did not one God create us? Why do we profane the covenant of our ancestors by being unfaithful to one another?”
Malachi 2:10