
“You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep

Spring from coming.” Pablo Neruda

The death cold of winter humbles the proudest tree

Dark days, muted sun, distorts its true beauty

But potential never wavers though trapped in December's cocoon Hidden buds of joy and laughter the spring will bring soon

Miracles come in all shapes and sizes

Some obvious, others in disguises

Surrounded by daily magic and wonder

Clouds dissipate with brilliant sunder

Nothing stays the same though violently fought for

In the prison of fear there's an open door

The first step the hardest into the great unknown

Though it's the only way out, history has shown

Days get longer as spring gets final word

Branches awaken, stretching desperately skyward

A kaleidoscope of flowers sing in colorful harmony

Life overcoming death, it goes on eternally




Made by Love to Love