The Potential of Regret

Regrets everywhere, overwhelmed with shame

Guilt rules my world, a hard emotion to tame

Bury it deep, wanting it to go away

Hide it discreetly, looking for a new day

Regrets everywhere, overwhelmed with shame

It weakens bones, rendering me lame

I say it’s no big deal, minimizing the pain

Compromising values, deepening the stain

Regrets everywhere, overwhelmed with shame

No peace, no rest, finding someone to blame

Guilty as charged, a warrant I serve

A lifetime of punishment, it’s the least I deserve

A broken heart, peace a distant thought

Medicating emotions, relationships shot

Need new life, need new chance

Doesn’t seem possible, least at first glance

Learning about a gift, it can’t be bought

A gift to receive, on Calvary’s hill it was fought

He took my sin, debilitating mistakes

Wiped them clean, giving life a new take

Regrets everywhere, overwhelmed with shame

Christ came quietly, humbly, avoiding fame

To take my transgressions, red as crimson

Turning them white as snow, freeing me from prison

Regrets everywhere, BUT there is no shame

Allowing Christ, his blood, to cover my blame

He came to give life, to set captives free

All we have to do is admit, accept, agree


Christmas Gratitude


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