Every Tribe, Every Nation

From every tribe, every nation
My faith transcends denomination
Culture, colors, none the same
Redemption comes in Yeshua's name

Stuck in my view, it’s far too narrow
My earthly eyes see too much sorrow
Babies die and mothers weep
Big men lie while others sleep

White, yellow, brown, red and black
There is no shade which God lacks
Transformation, it's a lifetime journey
Humility is key to eternal learning

I'm looking for joy so I can be grateful
But joy doesn't come until I am thankful
With crippled feet I run the race
Mud knee deep, carried by Grace

Prejudice rampant, wars rage
Holy genocide litters history's page
Religion rules, picking the chosen ones
Ignoring the words "whosoever will may come."

Heroes all around, they're just hard to see
Quietly walking with God humbly
Africa, Asia and unknown lands
Extending love as God's own hands

We bless the poor but the poor are already blessed
When I'm serving the least I am truly at my best
New beginnings start with a broken heart
Stupid poverty ends when I do my part

The church is asking "What's the next fashion?"
Fighting injustice is God's great passion
Theology debates, they lead to deep fraction
Loving one another is our call to action

I desperately need an eternal view
It gives me the courage to do the things I must do
Opportunities all around me, there is power in His name
He gives sight to the blind and strength for the lame

I desperately need an eternal view
Embracing the temporary is our cultures cue
My life is on loan, it is not my own
It's not about great feats, but the seeds that are sown

Male, female, Jew, Samaritan and gentile
Grace is pervasive, it starts with a child
The greatest among us was born in a stable
The Good News is for all, the weak and the able

Will we be exclusive, just another sect?
Or will we serve our neighbor, gaining their respect?
Will we love the orphan, the widow and those who fall?
Will we be known as restorer of cities and rebuilder of walls?


Where Do You Find God?


Every Day is a New Day