God in a Box
Henri Nouwen once said, “We cannot expect God to speak to us in our narrow corridor of thinking. As scripture shows us, He may speak to us through a saint or a sinner. Through a conservative or a liberal. Through a man or a woman – or a young child. Through an old person or a young person. Through an educated or an illiterate person… Through a local person or a foreigner. We have at all times to be ready to listen with an unprejudiced mind and heart.”
I was thinking about my life and how God has spoken to me through so many diverse voices, with differing opinions and backgrounds, yet they have all compelled me closer to the heart of Jesus.
From a liberal sociologist named Tony Campolo, to a conservative preacher named David Jeremiah, my heart has broken for the poor.
From an Irish rock star named Bono, to brilliant business man named Bill Gates, my urgency to end extreme poverty has increased.
From an alcoholic priest named Brennan Manning, to a 90 year old saint named Mother Rose, I have been overwhelmed by the gift of Grace.
From an African American, born in the ghetto, named Ricky Bolden, to a radical, white man named Bill Wilson, I will forever be burdened and invested in the inner city.
From a business man named Jim Copeland to a mother committed to public health around the world, named Kim Dixon, my life has refocused on the rights of children and women around the world.
From an Albanian Roman Catholic nun named Mother Teresa to a world changing leader Tony Neeves, my life is now compelled to show up, look extreme poverty in the face, and defeat it.
From a retired, suburban fire chief, Bruce Lacher, to Dave Hessler, feeding children in the closed garbage dumps of Tijuana, I have a deeper passion to follow Jesus with a more convicted heart to serve the marginalized, the hungry, the forgotten in my community.
The important question for people of faith today is this: Can we see past the surface, the titles, the labels and see wisdom and grace underneath.
When John the Baptist came to proclaim the coming of the Messiah, he was described as a desert-living, locus-eating, leather-wearing, adultery-condemning prophet.
When Jesus walked this earth, he was described as a party-going, wine-making, heart-healing, sin-forgiving savior.
John would have been labeled a conservative and Jesus would have been labeled a liberal.
Jesus told the pharisees, "We played the flute for you, and you did not dance; we sang a dirge, and you did not mourn." Instead, you said, "John has a demon and Jesus is a glutton".
The good news came looking two different ways, but they could not see it.
WHY? Because the Pharisees had put God in a box.
The strength of FAITH is the diversity of God’s love and wisdom and ways.
This is why people should travel…so they can see the image and creativity in the vastness of God.
The Pharisees were not the only ones who put God in a box.
I think, in America, we are in that danger today.
In order for our faith to be rich and our hearts to remain soft and pliable, we must continue to be overwhelmed by the grandness of God.
Jesus was not an American, he was not a Californian, he was not a republican or a democrat and he was not a Presbyterian, Methodist, Pentecostal or Baptist.
He was not a member of the NRA, Greenpeace or the local moose lodge.
He did not have a preference of musical worship style, because his worship had to do with spirit and truth.
He was anti-war, anti-revenge, and anti-hate.
He said, “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and give to God what is God’s!”
He was the creator of the universe and it was his idea to make the stars and the moon and the seas and the mountains.
RED, YELLOW, BROWN, BLACK and WHITE, they are all equally precious in his sight.
Every color, creed and culture is a part of his image.
Humans are the kaleidoscope of God’s colors.
He loves our enemies and he prays that the terrorist will find salvation, just like Saul who became a champion of Grace.
He loves YOU even when you walk away.
He loves ME even when I choose my own ways.
Jesus is bigger than any of our big ideas and heaven will be a much different place than our middle class, American ideas.
It is Jesus + nothing!
Not Jesus + politics.
Not Jesus + denomination.
Not Jesus + lifestyle.
Not Jesus + American.
Let us allow Jesus to be bigger than any of our big ideas and run towards his radical, counterintuitive, compassionate grace and may we pray the prayer of Pope Francis, “And so we ask the risen Jesus, who turns death into life, to change hatred into love, vengeance into forgiveness, war into peace.”