The Father

“Father of orphans, champion of widows, is God in his holy house. God makes homes for the homeless, leading prisoners to freedom...”
Psalm 68:5-6

The Father knows...

The Father calls us to bring forth light
To pour out our souls in the darkest night
To reflect the sun's warmth
In the pain, the numbing
Pronouncing a new day coming

The Father implores us to lift burdens that are heavy
The forgotten, abused, the traveler who’s weary
To illuminate
Days that are dreary
Giving sight to tired eyes that are blurry

The Father gives birth from the stars
We discover who we are
Choosing to heal
Revealing scars
We’ve come so far

The Father lets us choose what to be
Holding people down or setting them free
Leaving them tired, heavy weighted
Or inspired, energized, liberated

The Universe is strategic, connecting certain souls
To be each other's gifts when life’s taken its toll
While many scramble, holding on to control
Eternal love celebrates, helping others to grow

The universe is dark, vast, unknown
It can leave you feeling lost, sad, alone
We are to love with the love that's been shown
Illuminate, regenerate, with the seeds that are sown

The Father pleads we open our eyes
To offer dignity, care to every kind
Helping the deaf hear, giving sight to the blind
Choosing love over fear with all that we find

The Father’s heart breaks at what he sees
Hatred, Racism
All throughout history
His children are called
To heal, serve, accept
Justice the key
Pouring out selfless love 
Showing the world
What it was created to be

His Son...our Hope

Humans...God’s kaleidoscope

... the Father knows


Our Father is Younger than We


God in a Box