Honest Love
To be honest and real and to make people uncomfortable
Is better than pretending everything is wonderful
Life's journey, filled with euphoric highs and devastating lows
Mountain tops are beautiful, yet it's the valleys where we grow
People who are always happy, they make me nervous
Shallow conversations, emotions impervious
Afraid of tears, afraid to feel
Afraid of weakness, afraid to kneel
Transparency’s for the strong, cripples the weak
Vulnerability a dangerous risk, removing facades mystique
To face reality, many flee
But I'm finding real truth can set us free
Narrow beliefs, restricted views cause many to hide
Creating deep secrets and families divide
They say honesty the best policy till it shatters their paradigm
To be known fully can turn love on a dime
Spend the most time with those that know everything about you
They love your sweat stained pits and worn, dusty shoes
They know your doubts, your fears, your disbeliefs
Knowing you're not invincible, brings them so much relief
Doctrines teach about a God who's around every corner
Judging each failure, waiting to knock down a weary sojourner
But they say there's a God who loves us no matter what
We're asked to emulate that love, a love that heals, includes, adores like the Magnificat
Once we stop judging and seek to understand
The veil is torn to a richer, brighter land
Religion blinds, Grace lets us see
To be everything we were ever meant to be